

Luke Murphy

Luke is the lead design advocate at zeroheight. They host the DesignOps Island Discs podcast, host the WDC conference in Bristol and help organizations worldwide with their design system via their work with zeroheight and DesignOps Assembly. They've worked as a design leader across enterprise and startups, and have a passion for good org design and creating community. When they're not enthusing about designops and design systems, they sing in a queer punk band and make zines.

Michelle Chin

Michelle Chin is a Design Advocate at zeroheight and will moderate the webinar. She has experience in starting design systems from scratch and then scaling them across a 30+ product portfolio for an enterprise company. She’s also the co-host of the UX In Real Life podcast that examines what UX is really like at work and in the world around us. Michelle is also an environmental justice advocate and works to provide tree equity in Oakland, California.